What are my top 3 priorities?

Address Basic Needs

Ensuring all residents have access to clean water, adequate food, and safe shelter. Too many in our community lack these essentials. We'll expand water infrastructure, support food security programs, and increase affordable housing options.

10-Year Strategic Vision for Cowlitz

Collaborating with county directors and community stakeholders to create a comprehensive plan guiding our decisions and investments over the next decade.

Align Development Efforts

Creating an inventory of all existing initiatives by non-profits, cities, and the county to better coordinate our development efforts. This will help us leverage strengths, identify gaps, and ensure efficient use of resources under our strategic vision.

Free Choice with Care

To me, this means:

- Autonomy with Responsibility
- Self-Determination
- Considerate Decision-Making

Growing by Supporting

To me, this means:

- Structure before Growth
- Addressing Inequality First
- Support as a Growth Strategy

When we lift from the bottom, we all rise.

Community-Led Solutions

To me, this means:

- Empowering the Community
- Partnership, not Dele
- Encouraging Action

Outcome-Focused Government

To me, this means:

- Adaptive Leadership
- Practical Community Benefits
- Agreement on the Goals

We need better leaders.

A good leader doesn't just tell people what to do; they make their best attempt to understand what their communities need and support them in pursuit of their goals. They focus on making sure their decisions help everyone. They look for new ways to fix old problems. They know that being in charge means caring about everyone's choices and helping people who need it most. Good leaders are those who can bring communities together and make sure that when things change, those changes are better for everyone.

I hope I will always be this kind of leader.

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